Pilots and passengers from different airlines have close encounters of enormous proportions...
On January 28th 1994, an Air France pilot, his crew and passengers witnessed a brightly-glowing red and brown disc-shaped object while flying to London. Estimates of the disc's size were between 800 and 1,000 feet long...more than 3 times the size of a 747.
On April 25th 2007, the captain of a passenger plane crossing the English Channel observed two bright-yellow flat objects for more than 15 minutes. He is astounded by their size which he claims could have been as much as a mile wide. A pilot from a separate aircraft corroborated the story. The team takes to the skies to probe some of the largest UFO sightings ever recorded.
Builth caravan rubber owl triangles
Last week I paid another visit to The Banners in Builth, but when I got to
hes caravan I discovered the whole outer shell covered with a lime green
Here is my cheese. Everyone likes a nice cheese. I found him in the fridge
and thought what fun it would be to paint his picture.
I did not have a plan,...
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