The world's most infamous secret base is growing...
On October 26th, 1994, the U.S. government made their first official acknowledgement of Area 51. Six months later, nearly 4,000 acres of previously public land surrounding the base were closed.
Now, over a decade later, satellite photos reveal new buildings, towers, and runways finishing construction.
Secret flights with blacked-out windows bring passengers from Las Vegas. And security surrounding the perimeter of the base is tighter than ever.
The team heads to the epicenter of UFO and military conspiracy theories to visit new vantage points, speak with former base employees, and search the skies above America's most top-secret facility.
Builth caravan rubber owl triangles
Last week I paid another visit to The Banners in Builth, but when I got to
hes caravan I discovered the whole outer shell covered with a lime green
Here is my cheese. Everyone likes a nice cheese. I found him in the fridge
and thought what fun it would be to paint his picture.
I did not have a plan,...
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